Funny Knock Knock Jokes ;) Tell Me A Knock Knock Joke

 In this article we collected a lot of Knock-knock jokes.You will die laughing on this knock knock humor😁

knock knock jokes

Knock, knock! Who’s there? Opportunity! That is impossible. Opportunity doesn’t come knocking twice!


Knock knock. Who’s there? An extraterrestrial. Extraterrestrial who? What – how many extra-terrestrials do you know?


 Knock knock. Who's there? Beats. Beats who? Beats me.


Knock knock. Who’s there? The interrupting cow. Interrupting cow whMoooooo!


Knock knock.
Who’s there? The door .


Knock knock. Who’s there? Double. Double who? W!


Knock knock. Who’s there? Iva. Iva who? Iva craving for cookie. Get baking!


Knock knock. Who’s there? Yoda lady. Yoda lady who? Good job yodeling!


Why did the chicken cross the road? To hunt somebody down. Knock knock. Who's there? The chicken.

 Knock, knock! Who’s there? Yah! Yah who? Well, no thanks, I’m more of a Google person.


Knock knock. Who's there? Hatch. Hatch who? Bless you.


Knock knock. Who’s there? The interrupting doctor. The interr… You've got cancer.


Knock knock. Who’s there? Mark. Mark who? Oh come on, I'm Mark, your… (Mark breaks up crying over the extent of his dad’s Alzheimer .)

Knock knock. Who’s there? Urine. Urine who? Urine trouble if you don’t open the door.


Knock, knock. Who’s there? Cows go. Cows go who? No you idiot, cows go mooo!

Knock knock. Who’s there?
Grandpa. Oh my gosh! Somebody open the coffin quick!!!


Knock knock. Who’s there? Smell mop. Smell mop who? Um, no thanks.


Knock Knock! Who's there? Interrupting raven. Interrupt...


Knock knock. Who’s there? Not Pavlov. He’d have rung the bell.

Knock, knock Who's there? Kanga Kanga who? Actually, it’s kangaroo!


Knock Knock. Who’s there? Knock. Knock who? Knock Knock.


Knock, knock! Who’s there? Spell. Spell who? W-H-O


Knock knock. Who’s there?
Aaahh. Aaahh who? A big bad wolf, apparently.

Knock knock. Who’s there? Daisy. Daisy who? Daisy me comin’, dey runnin’.


Knock knock! Who's there? Hawaii. Hawaii who?
I'm very well, thank you so much, and Hawaii you?

Knock knock. Who’s there? Winnie the Pooh. Winnie the Pooh who? No seriously, Winnie the Pooh right now, let us in or it lands on your doormat!


Knock, knock. Who’s there? Somebody who thinks you should fix your darn doorbell!


Knock knock. Who's there? To. To who? No, it should always be “to whom”.

Knock knock. Who's there? Doris. Doris who? The Doris locked, why do you think I'm knocking?


Knock knock. Who's there? Cash. Cash who? Yes! I've always known you were a bit nutty!

Knock knock. Who’s there? Major. Major who? Major day with this joke, haven’t I?


 Knock knock. Who’s there? Mavis. Mavis who? Mavis be a warning to you, watch out of silly jokes!

Knock knock. Who’s there? Freeze. Freeze who? Freeze a jolly good fellow, freeze a jolly good fellow…


 Knock knock! Who's there? I got up. I got up who? Best go to the toilet then.

Knock knock. Who’s there? Icy. Icy who? You see me, do you need glasses or something?


Knock knock. Who’s there? Armageddon. Armageddon who? Armageddon a little bored. Let’s go out.

Knock knock. Who’s there? Accordion. Accordion who? Accordion to the scientists, it is healthy to offer your friends money.


Knock knock. Who’s there? Ira. Ira who? Ira gret I don’t know better jokes.

Knock knock. Who’s there? Ira. Ira who? Ira gret I don’t know better jokes.


Knock knock. Who’s there?
Surgeon. Surgeon who? Surgeon thou shalt find.

Knock knock. Who’s there? Barbie. Barbie who? Let’s Barbie Q!


Knock, knock! Who’s there? Moustache! Moustache who?
I thought I moustache you a question, but I can shave it for tomorrow.

Pistachio. Pistachio who? Knock, knock. Who’s there? Pistachio. Pistachio who? Knock, knock. Who’s there? Orange. Orange who? AND ORANGE YOU HAPPY I DIDN’T SAY PISTACHIO!


Knock, knock. Who's there? The judge's hammer . You are hereby sentenced to five years of forced labour .

Knock, knock. Who’s there? Justin. Justin who? Justin the neighbourhood, mind if I come in for a chat?


 Knock knock. Who’s there? Control freak. Co… You should say “Control freak who” now.

Knock knock. Who’s there? Value. Value who? Value be mine to cherish and to hold?


Knock knock. Who’s there? Lena. Lena who? Lena bit closer and I will show you.

Knock knock. Who’s there? Anita. Anita who? Anita little love and understanding.


Knock knock. Who’s there?
Maia. Maia who? Maiabilities are too great for such stupid jokes.

Knock knock. Who's there? Any. Any who? Anybody there?


Knock knock. Who’s there? Irish.
Irish who? Irish you a nice day.

Knock knock. Who’s there? Ho-ho. Ho-ho who? Um, no, you still need to practice a bit more if you want to be Santa at the mall this year.


Knock knock. Who’s there? Snow.
Snow who? Snow point pretending you don’t know me.

Knock knock. Who’s there? Noah. Noah who? Noah good place to eat tonight? My treat!


Knock knock. Who’s there? Dozen.
Dozen who? Dozen all this knocking bother you already?


Knock knock. Who’s there? 9/11. 9/11 who? OMG. You said you will never forget.


Knock knock. Who’s there? Ben. Ben who?
Ben hoping I can come in.